Summer Yogurt Bowl
- Koko Plain Yogrt!
- Fruits of choice (my favourites are Kiwis, Strawberries & Raspberries)
- Extra toppings such as; Maple Syrup/Agave Syrup, Cacao Nibs, Hemp Seeds, Chia Seeds, etc.
- •Slice up your chosen fruits to preferred size then leave to the side whilst you prepare the yogurt,
- •Take out your Koko Dairy free yogurt from the fridge and spoon about 1/4 of the tub into a bowl (I love using my favourite coconut bowl),
- •Now assemble your sliced fruit in the bowl with the yogurt before moving on to toppings,
- •Once you've added the yogurt and fruit into the bowl you can then add your toppings of choice - my favourite toppings include dark Agave syrup and Cacao Nibs!
- •Ta-Dah!! Your refreshing Yogurt bowl is ready to eat.